Hi all, what a terrific weekend! I had alot of fun on this event. Definitely one of my fave event in town. I met alot new friends there and really grateful that responds from people are great. Thanks all for dropping by and even bought my stuffs. (Stickers & badges are all soldout). Oh thanks for a girl who bought my original artwork 'Forestry', too bad i forgot to take pic with her. And special thanks last but not least my friend Harry for help me on the booth.

Hope to see you guys again next year!

A6 postcard paper
Diluted acrylic paint, coffee stain, and drawing pen


A6 postcard paper
drawing pen

Chaotic Robotic
Male & Female
Size S, M, L, xL

For Order:
SMS to 0811 10 1989 - (Name)(address)(CHAOTIC ROBOTIC)(size)
email to email_gun@yahoo.com

limited 50piece only